Tuesday, 22 February 2011

Recent activity

By way of an explanation for the lack of activity recently, I'd just point out that all is not well at the Fulani/Velvet residence - we've both been quite ill with chest/bronchial infections for what feels like months, though are now on the mend courtesy of, interestingly enough, not contemporary medical practice but Velvet's knowledge of natural remedies. The fact that hefty doses of garlic are working should not be taken to indicate vampire-related illnesses (though it would probably discourage casual visitors as well as vampires!). The likelihood is that we've had a viral infection. This would of course also explain why antibiotics didn't do a lot...

Various things have been going on nonetheless. Most of them involve the reorganisation of electrons on magnetic disks, a process that I laughingly describe as 'writing'. Ironically, a couple of ideas that started off as pieces of flash fiction for here have taken on lives of their own and become quite lengthy stories. You'll forgive me if I try to get actual money for them before posting them here are freebies. The second novel is proceeding albeit at a slower pace than I'd hoped, because I've been doing the stories. And some other things are in progress that I'll blog about when there's enough news to make then blogworthy.

Plus, of course, in the not too distant future there's the story collection that will be published by Renaissance/Sizzler. I'm looking forward to seeing the cover, because I'm hoping it will incorporate the photography of a mate of mine. I'll say more when I see it.

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